Love Rebirth Healing Program with Audio (Downloadable)

Package contents: One Love Rebirth book with 40 days prayer and meditation, One 40 day journal and One Audio

Do you want to experience TRUE Love? Do you want your heart to sing and flutter again? Be in the best relationship ever? Experience a relationship that is full of love, trust, compassion, and understanding?. Do you want your home to be a love sanctuary?

You are at the right place. The adage “You cannot give what you do not have” is very true because once you experience TRUE love, you will know how to give it and how to attract it. This TRUE love can only be from God and through this 40 day journey you  understand and stabilize your experience of this love and be able to attract it to yourself.

It is not advisable for anyone to have a gambling approach to love, sampling and saying” maybe this will work maybe not”. Love Rebirth Healing Program goal is to ensure you have a fresh and tested approach to love, instead of gambling, you approach love from the spiritual angle and therefore every step you take in any relationship will have you operating at a higher level and thereby handling issues at that level. This is the level of the kingdom of God. The kingdom of peace, love and harmony.


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