Archive for Healing Center Of Christ International

“I AM” The Power To Create All You Want

It is usually challenging for the mind, your mind and my mind, to always comprehend the I AM in its highest; neither do we find it easy to understand that the all-knowing, omnipotent One is inside of us. We must cultivate this awareness, and become conscious of the I AM presence.  This consciousness will come […]

Solving Problems From The Power Within Through Gratitude

 “ONE DOESN’T SOLVE PROBLEMS; ONE OUTGROWS THEM." ~ CARL JUNG The late world famous psychologist, Carl Jung, who was also an avid mystical researcher, was correct in his attitude toward problems. He presents that we outgrow problems instead of solving them. We may think we solved it but in the spiritual realm, we accomplish this […]

Realize Your Dreams

Focused thought will accomplish seemingly impossible results and make you realize your fondest ambitions. At the same time that you break down barriers of limitation new ambitions will be awakened. You begin to experience conscious thought constructions.

Love is the Magnet of the Universe

Love is a force that runs in the mind and body like molten gold in a furnace. It is a deep feeling, not surface affection, not physical affection. Love is more than being kindhearted, and giving to the poor and needy or being a martyr to the cause of Truth. You can do all these […]

“It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”

That God wants you to enjoy the prosperity of a complete full life is what Jesus so powerfully taught “I came to give you life and give you more abundantly” God has poured out his blessing on you.  God has provided for all your needs.  God has given you his riches. The dictionary says that […]

Love Your Enemies

“But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” Matthew 5:44 It is our mental attitude which furnishes us with all our enemies. Jesus gave us a command "Love your enemies" applies not only to persons but to things and circumstances. The moment our love goes out toward them they […]

Access the Blessings of God: Be Free from the Law of Poverty and Want

 "The blessing of God, it makes rich; and it adds no sorrow with it." It is not enough to believe simply that God is your supplier–the One who shall by His omnipotent power influence the mind of someone possessing an abundance to divide with you. This is a very limiting way of thinking about God. […]

What is Man?

Man is the image-likeness of God. ”Let us make man in our own image”  God said.  It is the answer to the question “What is man?” You are the divine inhabitant of body and mind.  You are an original creation of the Spirit of life. The one that in Psalm 8:5 the psalmist said  “For […]